Raw, Rude and Rockin’ – Your Golden Globes Live Blog

Who doesn’t love award shows?  My personal favorite are the AVN awards, but the Golden Globes will have to do for tonight.

7:03 – All right, so I’m a few minutes late to the awards because of an early dinner that ran late, and I unfortunately saw my favorite actress pull down the night’s first award.  Kate Winslet just won for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Reader – which is supposed to be a great movie and equally fine book.  I received the book for Christmas, but have yet to read it because I pulled both of my eyeballs out of my head like this guy.

Luckily, my brail copy is one the way.

Winslet looks really nervous at the beginning of her acceptance speech.  It’s rather justified, I would say, considering she’s been nominated for an Oscar five times, and has all of 0 Academy Awards.  I must say that these type of acceptance speeches where the winner is so overbearingly happy have to be excruciating for those whom they’re close to.  Like, Winslet’s husband Sam Mendes looks like he’s just praying that Winslet doesn’t fall apart and start crying in front of 10 million people, or however many people are watching this thing across the world.  Leo DiCaprio – Winslet’s best friend and Revolutionary Road co-star – is the same way.

So congrats to Ms. Winslet, who figures to be the favorite for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar, which she’ll probably get screwed over for on February 19th .  But she has a lot to look forward to over the next month, which will probably be the best of her life (as it will for the other winners tonight).

All right, she just thanked the hair and make-up department, which I guess is legitimate because she looks old as f— in the promos of the movie.

Winslet thanks her husband and kids to close out her speech, which always makes me happy.  Cheers to Kate, and I hope you win Best Actress in a Motion Picture later tonight, although Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep have to be the co-favorites for that particular award.

Interested in how the rest of the award show goes down?  Read on.

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Mixed Reviews for Revolutionary Road

I’m very interested to see what critics think of Revolutionary Road.

The film seems to me like it could be very hit-or-miss, to be cliche, for my personal tastes.  As I’ve said in this space, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are my favorite actor and actress. It isn’t because of their roles in Titanic, but because I really like the movies they’ve chose.  Especially DiCaprio.

As I understand it, Winslet and DiCaprio play an unhappy couple in the 1950s that, early on in the movie, bail on their kids and move to Paris because they’re unhappy.  Their characters are selfish, and even when they bail on their boring jobs, the Wheelers I think are still unhappy.

I read Roger Ebert’s review last night, and he was of the opinion that RR is an outstanding film, but epically depressing and angst-ridden.  I typically role with him, so I’ll be there.

But Rotten Tomatoes only has RR at a 73% fresh meter, which I think is very low.  Here’s a bad review from the Boston Herald. Here’s a short profile about Leonardo DiCaprio from MSNBC. Finally, here’s another review.

One of the reasons that one could argue that RR is receiving bad reviews is because people want to forget about their problems in light of the economy with a film with a happy ending and nice message.  But that’s not the reality of life.  Life is depressing, and the purpose of movies, at least in my eyes, is to provide interesting, thought-provoking stories.

So, I’m seeing the film.  But it’s not open in my city, which really pisses me off.  Let me know what you think if you see it.

But don’t expect a Titanic 2, or a second American Beauty either.   Take the film for what it is.  That’s my advice.
