‘Veronica Mars’ Movie is “Close”

Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas is currently in the final stages of preparing a Veronica Mars-movie pitch, according to a recent interview Thomas gave EW.com.

“I’m preparing the pitch now — literally now,” Mars‘ creator, Rob Thomas, told Michael Ausiello last week. “I hope to go in and talk to [executive producer] Joel Silver and [Warner Bros.] in the next week or two to see if they’re interested.”

The plot specifics are still up in the air, which is why a pitch has yet to happen.  If you know anything about the movie industry, then you know that a pitch must be nearly perfect for a movie to be made.  Especially a movie like Veronica Mars, which already has an established cast and storyline.

“I haven’t figured it out yet,” Thomas says about the film’s plot. “That’s what I’m working on now. It’s close. A few key details left to solve.”

I would strongly urge Veronica Mars fans to head over to the EW.com inteview (linked to the interview provided above), but to also not get your hopes up.  Sure, Veronica Mars ended prematurely, but how many people regularly watch it?  2 million? 3?

If a VM movie is going to be made, then it’s going to take a wide-reaching script that can appeal to a wide audience.  It’s also going to need to be perfect, or close to it.  Because even though you may be longing for a Veronica Mars movie, I doubt that you want to see a crappy end Veronica and everyone else.

Stay tuned, though.


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