Heath Ledger Insurance Suit Settled

Since shortly after his death on Jan. 22, 2008, Heath Ledger’s lawyers have been battling with ReliaStar Life Insurance Co.  Ledger’s representation claimed that the actor’s $10 million life insurance policy was never paid to its sole beneficiary – Ledger’s 3-year-old daughter Matilda.

Now, the Associated Press confirms that a confidential settlement has been reached involving the $10 million policy, even though it would seem like this whole ordeal is over, it’s not.

Ledger’s lawyers say they will fight for legal representation for Matilda next month, when the official figure is announced and distributed.  Actually, the reason for the lengthy pay-off was because of the question surrounding the actor’s death being ruled a suicide.

If you’ve ever seen CSI or Law & Order, you know that insurance benefits are not administered when the person who takes out the policy commits suicide.

Stay tuned for more next month.