Kate Winslet Vows To Keep Top On (America Weeps)

Ever since Titanic, Kate Winslet has become infamous for her willingness to show her boobs.

I like this about her.

But I don’t like her recent interview where she said that she would probably keep her top on from this point forward. Of course, “this point” means post-Oscar victory for The Reader, where she was naked for a good chunk of the movie.

“A) I can’t keep getting away with it, and b) I don’t want to become ‘that actress who always gets her kit off,'” Winslet told Time in a recent interview.

In response to point A, I say that it’s too late. She has already appeared naked in tons of films – including Titanic, The Reader and Little Children. Her boobs are melted into my mind, and they aren’t going anywhere.

“With these roles [the ones where she gets naked, I presume], I’ve just closed a big chapter in my life,” she tells Time. “I feel that only in the last two years could I look someone in the eye and say, ‘I know how to act’ and really maybe mean it.”
All things considered, I think that Kate keeping her top on as she moves into her mid-30s (and beyond) might be a good thing. I speak for all men in saying that I don’t want to see Kate’s low-swingers when she’s 42 and playing the role of a seductive high school English teacher.  No thanks. I’ll stick to her movies and Google images.