Ghost Rider 2 Confirmed – Well, Not Really

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The wheels on the long-anticipated Ghost Rider sequel have started spinning, reports.

I can’t really comprehend why, but here’s the entirety of what considers their exclusive…

It’s pretty shocking that it has taken this long for a sequel to get a move on, but finally Columbia Pictures is gearing up for GHOST RIDER 2, the sequel to the smash-hit comic book adaptation from 2007 that saw Nicolas Cage as a stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself. What we learned this evening is that Columbia Pictures is officially out to writers to pen the sequel and that Nicolas Cage is in fact attached and signed on to return.

First off, how many words are in that first sentence?  I just plugged the text into a Word doc, and it’s 70. That’s shitty writing.  And to call Ghost Rider a “smash-hit comic book adaptation” is like calling a pedophile a law-abiding citizen.

So, what should you take away from this?

Don’t listen to  A Ghost Rider sequel is a horrible idea, and it would be idiotic for Columbia to produce a sequel to a movie that audiences hated in the first place.


For more on false reports about crappy movies, follow Eric Van Dril on Twitter.