Mad Men Coming Back This Summer (Likely)

Just a few months after Mad Men was in serious jeopardy of losing both its’ star and series creator, the New York Post reports that the critically-acclaimed show will return during the summer of 2009.

The network says that if all goes well in production on the third season, fans should expect new episodes by the end of July.  But as is typically the case, that date depends a great deal on luck.

If Elisabeth Moss falls and fractures her wrist, production will be delayed.  If Jon Hamm tweaks a hammy working out, production will be delayed.

You get the idea. July is a best-case scenario.  August and September are more realistic.

The most important thing about the return of Mad Men is that series creator Matthew Weiner re-signed his contract earlier this month, meaning Don Draper and company will see, basically, as many seasons as Weiner sees fit.

Expect more updates on the shooting of Mad Men and when it will return throughout the spring.

To get you in the mood, check out this Simpsons parody of Mad Men.