Bush Will Make Farewell Address Thursday Night

After eight years of epic failure, George Bush will say his goodbyes to the nation Thursday night during prime time.

The current president has requested 10-15 minutes from the big four networks on Thursday night, and it will be the last time he will be seen in public until Inauguration on Jan. 20.

So beware of this speed bump in your viewing schedule Thursday night. A time has not yet been confirmed for the address, but Bush typically gives them at 9 p.m. ET.

That means that Grey’s Anatomy, The Office and CSI will all be delayed. Two of these three are planning on airing milestone episodes that fans have been anticipating for months.

On CSI, Gil Grissom will depart from the show forever – stepping aside for Laurence Fishburne.

And this episode of The Office is where the entire office knows about the Dwight-Angela affair – so it should be uproariously hilarious.

Funnier than President Bush stumbling over his words for the last time?

Probably not, but be sure to adjust your TIVOs and DVRs depending on when your local listings say your particular show will be on the air.