Kate Winslet Vows To Keep Top On (America Weeps)

Ever since Titanic, Kate Winslet has become infamous for her willingness to show her boobs.

I like this about her.

But I don’t like her recent interview where she said that she would probably keep her top on from this point forward. Of course, “this point” means post-Oscar victory for The Reader, where she was naked for a good chunk of the movie.

“A) I can’t keep getting away with it, and b) I don’t want to become ‘that actress who always gets her kit off,'” Winslet told Time in a recent interview.

In response to point A, I say that it’s too late. She has already appeared naked in tons of films – including Titanic, The Reader and Little Children. Her boobs are melted into my mind, and they aren’t going anywhere.

“With these roles [the ones where she gets naked, I presume], I’ve just closed a big chapter in my life,” she tells Time. “I feel that only in the last two years could I look someone in the eye and say, ‘I know how to act’ and really maybe mean it.”
All things considered, I think that Kate keeping her top on as she moves into her mid-30s (and beyond) might be a good thing. I speak for all men in saying that I don’t want to see Kate’s low-swingers when she’s 42 and playing the role of a seductive high school English teacher.  No thanks. I’ll stick to her movies and Google images.

‘Veronica Mars’ Movie is “Close”

Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas is currently in the final stages of preparing a Veronica Mars-movie pitch, according to a recent interview Thomas gave EW.com.

“I’m preparing the pitch now — literally now,” Mars‘ creator, Rob Thomas, told Michael Ausiello last week. “I hope to go in and talk to [executive producer] Joel Silver and [Warner Bros.] in the next week or two to see if they’re interested.”

The plot specifics are still up in the air, which is why a pitch has yet to happen.  If you know anything about the movie industry, then you know that a pitch must be nearly perfect for a movie to be made.  Especially a movie like Veronica Mars, which already has an established cast and storyline.

“I haven’t figured it out yet,” Thomas says about the film’s plot. “That’s what I’m working on now. It’s close. A few key details left to solve.”

I would strongly urge Veronica Mars fans to head over to the EW.com inteview (linked to the interview provided above), but to also not get your hopes up.  Sure, Veronica Mars ended prematurely, but how many people regularly watch it?  2 million? 3?

If a VM movie is going to be made, then it’s going to take a wide-reaching script that can appeal to a wide audience.  It’s also going to need to be perfect, or close to it.  Because even though you may be longing for a Veronica Mars movie, I doubt that you want to see a crappy end Veronica and everyone else.

Stay tuned, though.


For more on the Veronica Mars movie, follow IsThisItX on Twitter.

Failure: Your Oscar Twitter Blog

I tried an Oscars live blog, with only Twitter posts.  It was a bad idea – one I don’t plan on doing again.  Here is what I have before ditching it an hour and ten minutes in.

Welcome to your 2009 Academy Awards Live blog, Twitterstyle.  We’re going to be updating throughout the award show on Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/isthisitx – and on this page as well.  It should be exciting.  The awards, on the other hand, could be dull.  The awards that you want to stick around for are Best Supporting Actor (Heath Ledger), Best Actor (Mickey Rourke vs. Sean Penn) and Best Actress (Kate Winslet vs. Meryl Streep). Ledger’s a lock to win, but don’t be surprised if Frank Langella takes Best Actor, or Anne Hathaway steals Best Actress.  It’s not expected, but it’s not outside reason.

I’m rooting for all the categories The Dark Knight is involved in, Mickey Rourke, Amy Adams (Pam 6.0) and Kate Winslet. Outside of that, I’m just along for the ride.

7:12 – All right, so we’re here for the the Oscars, and this should be a relatively tame night.

7:13 – Vanessa Hudgens on the red carpet.  She looks amazing.  And she has nude pics across the Internet.  She’s my favorite actress.

7:14 – Robert Downey Jr. is a year away from going into that Clooney-type of role.  He’s probably the business’s most exciting actor.

7:21 – Meryl Streep’s daughter is quite attractive.  She’s allegedly a pretty good actress, according to the NYTimes.

Continue reading

‘Funny People’ Trailer

Judd Apatow’s next film is called Funny People. It stars Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, Leslie Mann and Jonah Hill, and looks hilarious but also kind of depressing.

Here it is.

Funny People comes out this summer.

Ghost Rider 2 Confirmed – Well, Not Really

Pic via comicsinfilm.com

Pic via comicsinfilm.com

The wheels on the long-anticipated Ghost Rider sequel have started spinning, bloody-disgusting.com reports.

I can’t really comprehend why, but here’s the entirety of what bloody-disgusting.com considers their exclusive…

It’s pretty shocking that it has taken this long for a sequel to get a move on, but finally Columbia Pictures is gearing up for GHOST RIDER 2, the sequel to the smash-hit comic book adaptation from 2007 that saw Nicolas Cage as a stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze who gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself. What we learned this evening is that Columbia Pictures is officially out to writers to pen the sequel and that Nicolas Cage is in fact attached and signed on to return.

First off, how many words are in that first sentence?  I just plugged the text into a Word doc, and it’s 70. That’s shitty writing.  And to call Ghost Rider a “smash-hit comic book adaptation” is like calling a pedophile a law-abiding citizen.

So, what should you take away from this?

Don’t listen to bloody-disgusting.com.  A Ghost Rider sequel is a horrible idea, and it would be idiotic for Columbia to produce a sequel to a movie that audiences hated in the first place.


For more on false reports about crappy movies, follow Eric Van Dril on Twitter.