Tiger Woods, Wife Have Second Child

Tiger Woods and wife Elin gave birth to their second child, a son, over this past weekend, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

The couple, who have been married since 2004, have one child already; one-year-old daughter Sam Alexis.

UPDATE: On his website, Woods announced that he and Elin had indeed given birth.  And he also announced his new son’s name: Charlie Axel.

“Elin and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Charlie Axel Woods, who was born on Sunday February 8, 2009,” Woods wrote in the statement. “Both Charlie and Elin are doing great and we want to thank everyone for their sincere best wishes and kind thoughts. Sam is very excited to be a big sister and we feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful family.

“I also want to thank our doctors, nurses and the hospital staff for their personal and professional care. We look forward to introducing Charlie to you at the appropriate time, and again thanks from all of us for your kindness and support.”

Congrats to the Woods family.


For more on the reproduction of the world’s best golfer, follow ISIX and author Eric Van Dril at www.twitter.com/isthisitx

One Response

  1. CONGRATULATIONS !!! Wonderful news !!! We miss you.

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