Subway Drops Phelps’s Sponsorship

Subway has become the latest company to drop 14-time gold medalist Michael Phelps after the swimmer was photographed smoking weed out of a bong, according to a insider.

Right before the image surfaced on News of the World, Phelps was heavily featured on holding a foot-long sub.

I want Subway!!!

Kind of like this one.

After the photo was released, Subway quickly tore down all of Phelps’ pictures.  Now they’ve officially come out and severed ties with the man who will certainly become the most decorated Olympian ever.

Here’s what’s writes…

In an e-mail from Subway spokeswoman Megan Driscoll, she said: “Subway is not commenting or releasing a statement right now on Michael Phelps.” However, in de-linking all references to Michael Phelps, this is Subway corporate as they prepare for dropping their sponsorship. Our insider told us Subway execs are pissed off, talking to legal, want their endorsement money returned — and to “get rid of this embarrassment.”

And, here’s the thing, Subway just signed Michael on November 21st! Here’s what they said at the time:

“SUBWAY(R) takes pride in being a healthy and active brand – one that can be a regular part of these world class athletes’ routines,” states Tony Pace, Chief Marketing Officer of the SUBWAY Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust (SFAFT), which signed the contract with Phelps. “We knew Michael Phelps was a big fan of our sandwiches and we wanted to build on that with him to illustrate that SUBWAY(R) is a brand that can play a role in helping everyone – from elite athletes to weekend joggers – perform at their peak levels and make healthier, smarter choices about food, whatever the activity.”

And being a “healthy and active brand” does not mean associating themselves with a goofy pothead, regardless of Olympic medals… Right now, Jared is laughing and nodding, knowing that job security is sweet.

This subject has been beat to death, so the interesting thing in my eyes is whether or not a non-mainstream site like gets the story right and beats the likes of the New York Times and Washington Post.

The other thing that interests me is what Michael Phelps ate after hitting that bong?  Did he go to Subway?  Did he chow down on some Frosted Flakes?

I need details, Internet.


For more on the Michael Phelps hits the bong fallout, follow ISIX and author Eric Van Dril at

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