Christian Bale Loses It On Set of Terminator 4

An associate producer on the set of Terminator Salvation has excused Christian Bale – who plays the lead role in the film – for his on-set tongue lashing of the film’s Director of Photography.  Bruce Franklin, the assistant director and associate producer on the film, says that Bale was a “consummate professional” during the filming of T4.

Which is a bit unbelievable, considering that Bale reportedly shouted the following at the Director of Photography: “I’m trying to do a f**king scene here and I’m going, ‘Why the f**k is Shane walking in there? What’s he doing there?’
Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you’re doing that?”

He goes on to threaten to “kick his f**king ass” before telling the director of the film that he’ll quit if the DOP isn’t fired.

Here’s the audio…


The tape was obtained by, who reports that it’s from July of 2008.  Just days before Bale was arrested for assaulting his mother and sister in London.  Charges against The Dark Knight star were soon dropped.

“If you are working in a very intense scene and someone takes you out
of your groove,” Franklin tells E! “It was the most emotional scene in the movie. And for
him to get stopped in the middle of it – he is very intensely involved
in his character. He didn’t walk around like that all day long. It was
just a moment and it passed.”

Look.  Christian Bale is a bad ass.  He’s cut like nobody’s business, and just did two Batman films and is the new John Connor.  All three roles call for him to beat the crap out of multiple people.  And, on top of that, he allegedly assaulted his mom and sister.

If he threatens to kick the Director of Photography’s ass, he will do it.

So here’s a message to Shane (Hurlbut, we think is his name)….

Stay out of Christian’s shots, OK?  If you don’t, you’re either going to get fired or he’s going to whip your ass.  Both of which isn’t good for you.

Got it?

2 Responses

  1. […] of Photography on the set of Terminator Salvation. (If you haven’t heard it, head on over to here, but plug in your headphones, because the language is […]

  2. […] If you missed out on the back story and the audio, then click here. […]

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